BladesEurope Conference 2023

At the BladesEurope conference in Amsterdam 28-29 November 2023 organized by WindPower Monthly, Miljoskarm participated in the panel addressing the market demand for sustainable and scalable recycling of end-of-life blades. We are honored to be invited to the conference and given the opportunity to present our unique recycling solution. It was very interesting to learn […]

Reducing noise from recycling company

The recycling company Denova, located in Frederiksvaerk, Denmark, is very focused on limiting the nuisance from noise from the recycling processes best possible. When Denova installed a new, large metal shredder in an outdoor area, they chose Miljoskarm’s robust noise-absorbing cassettes for dampening of the emitted noise from the shredding process. This ensures that Denova […]

France24 visited Miljøskærm

The French TV channel France24 sent a team to Denmark to find out what happens to end-of-life wind turbines. In addition to visiting wind turbine manufacturer, operators and scientists they also visited Miljoskarm to learn about how we recycle the old blades. Link to the France24 broadcast:

Miljøskærm nominated to Capgimini’s Nordic Sustainability Tech Award 2022

At a ceremony in the fantastic frame of the Nobel prize museum in Stockholm Capgemini presented the winners of the Nordic Sustainability Tech Awards in the 4 Scandinavian countries Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark on 30 November 2022. We highly appreciate this recognisation of companies  commited to the development of sustainable initiatives and products. Congratulations […]

DTU conference on sustainable wind turbine blades

The Danish Technical University, DTU at RISØ hosted an international conference on sustainable wind turbine blades 21-23 November 2022. The over 100 participants from a broad specter of universities, research institutes and industry were presented for a total of 43 exciting presentations covering development of new materials and recycling initiatives ranging from relatively simple mechanical […]

Sacyr selected Miljøskærm

Sacyr IChallenges is the group’s Open Innovation program. With this initiative, Sacyr seeks to find partners with whom to promote solutions that improve people’s quality of life through infrastructure and services that are more sustainable. The 2022 edition of Sacyr IChallenges called for sustainable solutions in 4 different categories and received a total of 276 […]

Noise in urban planning

Danish Sound Cluster invited Miljøskærm to present our solution for sustainable noise reduction at the seminar Sound in urban planning. The very inspiring afternoon was hosted by the Niras Green Tech Hub and focused on solutions to remedy noise pollution in the urban environment at the planning stage. The event was setting the scene for […]

Recycling of blade sections

Bladena is Danish company specializing in wind turbine blade construction & performance. Having completed examination and tests of discarded blade sections, Bladena contracted with Miljøskærm for recycling of the blade material. Miljøskærm give the discarded blade sections a new life as acoustic insulation material in noise barriers ensuring better quality of life at housings exposed […]

Solar Impulse Foundation Label

The Solar Impulse Foundation is an environmental non-profit foundation founded by Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Schwitzerland. Based on a thorough independent assessment the foundation has issue the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label” to Miljøskærm which is a credible marker of quality to companies […]

Cleantech Scandinavia

The organization Cleantech Scandinavia facilitated the City Climate Impact Day in Helsingborg, Sweden on 16 June 2022. Miljøskærm was invited to present our solution for recycling of wind turbine blades in the program headlined “showcase of inspiring and successful projects with positive climate impact and a range of innovation with high positive climate impact potential” […]




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