unique recycling of fiberglass
Growing investments in green energy from wind turbines entail a significant increase in the number of discarded wind turbine blades. Most often the blades are buried in landfills as the fiberglass is difficult to recycle.
Miljøskærm® adds new value to the discarded fiberglass by utilizing its excellent properties in new products. We have independently developed new technology and our innovative solution has given us several Danish and international patents.
Recycling of discarded fiberglass in our noise barriers reduce annoying and harmful noise in local communities and our insulation products reduce the energy consumption. This way we address a waste issue and in addition reduce the CO2 print by substituting more energy demanding products.
We further offer counseling on recycling of fiberglass thus contributing to reduce the waste problems in the energy sector and elsewhere in our society.
Wind energy is renewable, wind turbines are not

Scandinavian business award 2024
The British based media EU Business News has selected Miljoskarm as a winner in the category Scandinavian Business Awards 2024, “Most innovative

Scandinavian business award 2024
The British based media EU Business News has selected Miljoskarm as a winner in the category Scandinavian Business Awards 2024, “Most innovative recycled composite waste